Recent topics

3916 topics, 79 pages:  12 3 4 79 ← Go back to forum list

Subject Author Nb. answ. Latest message

Reason of nickname

SheWolf 76 severus_snape,

Uno: option to limit drawing to one card (accepted)

horse 1 Aminiel,

Zero hour assault Official version is released!

Felix_Weber 22 Felix_Weber,

Bloodstorm NG, version 9.1.0

nguyen_hoang_anh 16 nguyen_hoang_anh,

do you know something about vg storm website?

SheWolf 5 nguyen_hoang_anh,

ducks tournament

blue.1891 24 Emerald,

Setting up the TT media bot

Chocolate-Icecream 16 Mortem,

Players birthday celebrations

Negar 230 Mortem,


Mortem 10 Mortem,

Web client on Android: History becomes one element after receiving a multi-line message

Nikola 1 glad,

One of My newest composition

Emrah20 0 Emrah20,

Converting belote to Tysiacha-like method

Sylphrena 4 HeadphoneJack,

My new song 'Krila leptira'

Emrah20 11 Emrah20,

the pr considers main room as a table. (confirmed)

empty_sky 2 glad,

bug with quiz party (not a bug)

empty_sky 2 empty_sky,

Unknown Macedonian song

Emrah20 4 Emrah20,

Playing up to 18 quarters in Citadels (accepted)

Nikola 0 Nikola,

Bug with joining a table - ending up on a wrong one if the right one becomes unavailable

Nikola 0 Nikola,

Free vps for TeamTalk servers

OrsoNero93 26 supanut2000,

Time limit option in dominoes (accepted)

CREADOR 7 Aminiel,

someone used Unihertz phones with keyboard?

GingerFox 1 jackson95,

chess. cannot seem to be able to download chess engine on windows client

igna 2 igna,

Web client: PWA mode no longer works with Chrome on Android (solved)

Nikola 4 Nikola,

The Eternal Second does not end with number of rounds (solved)

Sylphrena 3 Aminiel,

Quiz party: Issues when the question is accidentally dismissed or the list is refreshed (solved)

Nikola 2 Aminiel,

Bug in Uno with advanced draw responses and bluf.

gfriha 9 Sylphrena,

Leaving the Playroom only disconnects you, but you don't go offline (solved)

Nikola 7 Nikola,

Barbu: Forgotten shortcut to randomize the contracts list in the new options system (solved)

Nikola 1 Aminiel,

Unknown player: -3 reported when blocking users from the menu (solved)

Nikola 2 Aminiel,

The new Apple apps for Windows

supanut2000 4 JMouse,

game for the blind (solved)

nguyen_hoang_anh 42 nguyen_hoang_anh,

My new composition Caress

Emrah20 0 Emrah20,

manamon 2

blue.1891 5 meliodas.ira,

Regarding names.

john_smith 2 john_smith,

Duolingo English Test?

godfather 1 Fawaz,

TLS certificate error

HeadphoneJack 3 HeadphoneJack,

sound skins for playroom?

Gnome 13 Nikola,

Blind woman exploring the arts

GracefulSwan 3 glad,

wanting to help (ongoing)

SkylarJayde13 2 SkylarJayde13,

playroom web client seems to be down?

ronasmith 3 godfather,

Frequently asked questions.

CathyAnne 1 Nikola,

what about uno turnament?

medhansh 0 medhansh,

please join the super league:

medhansh 0 medhansh,

Upcoming Dominos tournament

Elinoria 28 kaiba,

playroom super league

medhansh 11 medhansh,

Monoply play tips and seeking healthy friendships

GracefulSwan 3 GracefulSwan,

new uno variation

Firinfa 1 glad,

people leaving win losing

blue.1891 4 Nikola,

Dance music, drum&bass, music venues and accessibility

Paddy_Irishman 4 Emrah20,

Hobby suggestions

GracefulSwan 11 Emrah20,

3916 topics, 79 pages:  12 3 4 79 ← Go back to forum list

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