Hello, I'm not exactly sure if this is a bug, but I am unable to navigate with voiceover on IOS 9 when loading the playroom site, and clicking play link. Is there anything I can do to be able to play on the playroom under IOS 9.0.1? thanks so much Justin T skype/twitter: drummer0608 email: [email protected] take care, I look forward to hearing from someone
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2. Paddy_Irishman,
Dude get it on windows seriously, playroom is so inaccessible on safari i don't even use web client anymore
Score: +0
3. LaraStardust,
I dont quite agree with that. While I've not tried it for some time, I found it fairly acceessible when I did. As for IOS 9. I'm not exactly sure. My advice would be log in first, then click play see if that makes any difference. I'll have a look later to see also if I have difficulty
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4. basket,
I was able to do it no problems.
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5. gaurasuryavanshi,
which browser are you using on ios9?
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6. Paddy_Irishman,
tried it here no problem. u must have a lot of patience dardar can't stand taht web client, especially with games like uno and free tables
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7. dilek,
i could not hear game sounds with safari.
Score: +0
8. Aminiel,
Sounds are disabled by default on iOS, because they take a while to load depending on your connection (what isn't always desirable e.g. 3G, limited mobile abonnement, etc.), and consume quite a lot of battery (at least it did so on iOS 6 and 7)
You can enable them by going to options > web options.
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9. Exink,
Hey Aminiel,
Speaking about sounds, I have a question about this:
Are the sounds downloaded to the device? Or are they requested to the server each time it's needed? And could be very expensive o use the web client using a data plan? Thanks a lot!
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10. Aminiel,
Normally they are only downloaded once during a whole game session, but keep careful if your dataplan is short in size. You'd better play on wifi or disable them when on 3G/4G.
Without sounds, you don't have a big risk of exceeding your data forfait. Even to consume 10 MB of data you have to play for quite a long time. When adding sounds, keep in mind that they are easily 100 KB each so it goes much faster.
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Last edited by Aminiel, Sep 28 2015 18:27:09
11. LaraStardust,
interesting. So you store thenm o the server and the web client requests then deletes them?
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12. Aminiel,
IN fact I don't know exactly. It's the job of the browser's cache.
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13. basket,
I have to say, I'm pretty impressed with the amount of support and functionality on the web client on Safari for the mac. I like how the keystrokes are almost the same, and all system sounds are present. Very well done.
Score: +0
14. LaraStardust,
indeed its a well coded server, a credit to ya aminiel, or who ever coded it