Statistics: The Eternal Second

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General game statistics of The Eternal Second

Last reset: Oct 8 2016 21:44:04

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 4 (11.76%) 30 (88.24%) 34 (0.31%)
English 219 (4.59%) 4 553 (95.41%) 4 772 (43.44%)
Español 4 (0.16%) 2 478 (99.84%) 2 482 (22.59%)
Français 52 (2.8%) 1 803 (97.2%) 1 855 (16.89%)
Italiano 3 (0.52%) 570 (99.48%) 573 (5.22%)
Português 0 (0%) 456 (100%) 456 (4.15%)
русский 11 (1.6%) 677 (98.4%) 688 (6.26%)
Srpski 16 (12.7%) 110 (87.3%) 126 (1.15%)
Total 309 (2.81%) 10 677 (97.19%) 10 986

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
Rounds10 9863.725.87110.91 350
Rounds in finished games1 6730.563.9416.89205.6

Approximatively 15.23% of the games are played to their end, while 84.77% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. jeanlucdo: 302 rounds played
  2. Gaia: 280 rounds played
  3. doni_stef1: 211 rounds played
  4. can-96: 196 rounds played
  5. mogo: 196 rounds played
  6. Sylphrena: 177 rounds played
  7. Ziane: 145 rounds played
  8. LynnR: 102 rounds played
  9. liko: 87 rounds played
  10. enerji: 86 rounds played
  11. mehmetceyhan: 82 rounds played
  12. musiclover: 71 rounds played
  13. Crash: 66 rounds played
  14. alonso: 62 rounds played
  15. nour: 53 rounds played
  16. miguelitouruguay: 50 rounds played
  17. francesca: 49 rounds played
  18. bruno14: 48 rounds played
  19. bourbon_kid : 47 rounds played
  20. andkuk: 46 rounds played
  21. V28114: 45 rounds played
  22. Orsabianca: 44 rounds played
  23. symplonium: 42 rounds played
  24. arrow: 40 rounds played
  25. Jeanny: 39 rounds played
  26. lagamine: 37 rounds played
  27. Francis: 37 rounds played
  28. carrottop1023: 33 rounds played
  29. Nadeschda: 33 rounds played
  30. vitomike: 32 rounds played

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