Statistics: Golf

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General game statistics of Golf

Last reset: Oct 29 2023 17:00:00

Number of games played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Total 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0
Number of rounds played
 Without botsWith botsTotal
Deutsch 55 (55.56%) 44 (44.44%) 99 (0.03%)
English 44 508 (44.73%) 54 995 (55.27%) 99 503 (31.17%)
Español 50 489 (66.06%) 25 945 (33.94%) 76 434 (23.94%)
Français 28 635 (48.23%) 30 742 (51.77%) 59 377 (18.6%)
Italiano 10 075 (42.34%) 13 722 (57.66%) 23 797 (7.45%)
Português 16 880 (47.39%) 18 743 (52.61%) 35 623 (11.16%)
русский 5 011 (28.06%) 12 850 (71.94%) 17 861 (5.59%)
Srpski 1 172 (17.9%) 5 376 (82.1%) 6 548 (2.05%)
Total 156 825 (49.12%) 162 417 (50.88%) 319 242

Statistics Any language Any bots

Number of rounds and games played
  Total Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly
Games38 45297.2680.42 91635 501
Rounds319 2428075 64924 209294 738
Rounds in finished games233 717590.84 13517 723215 778

Approximatively 73.21% of the games are played to their end, while 26.79% seem to be interrupted in the middle.

Duration of rounds :

Options usage

Most addicted players

This ranking lists the players who played the most rounds and games since the last reset.

  1. Starsky: 5 588 rounds played
  2. nural: 4 284 rounds played
  3. zenicaja: 4 090 rounds played
  4. Cupidon: 3 585 rounds played
  5. domatricedishirehorse: 3 152 rounds played
  6. jjt91: 3 003 rounds played
  7. Dojdik: 2 951 rounds played
  8. Cristina: 2 724 rounds played
  9. jose: 2 694 rounds played
  10. Elaine: 2 620 rounds played
  11. Cribe: 2 594 rounds played
  12. jean-louis: 2 532 rounds played
  13. rayane: 2 476 rounds played
  14. princesse: 2 399 rounds played
  15. green: 2 366 rounds played
  16. erdal: 2 292 rounds played
  17. hugoluch: 2 168 rounds played
  18. vulcano: 2 150 rounds played
  19. blasgomezcaballero: 2 133 rounds played
  20. plan-b: 2 121 rounds played
  21. Nikola: 2 077 rounds played
  22. perlerare: 2 062 rounds played
  23. leliondunord: 2 021 rounds played
  24. Ryo-Bee: 1 991 rounds played
  25. Dyann: 1 989 rounds played
  26. Oliveira: 1 929 rounds played
  27. sarah: 1 918 rounds played
  28. triggered: 1 912 rounds played
  29. zieddu: 1 908 rounds played
  30. Abidail: 1 736 rounds played

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