Impossible to invite participants to a discussion

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1. Nikola,

it seems like a new bug appeared with permanent private messages.

If you try to invite someone else to an already existing discussion (of course from the website), you get an error 500 and the person is not invited.
An automatic message is posted to the discussion by admin notifying that the user has been invited, but this is fake and that's not really so, since in the list of participants you don't see the new user.


Score: +3

2. Aminiel,


This problem has just been solved. It should work now.
Thank you for signaling !

Score: +4

3. Nikola,

thank you, but the bug is only partially solved now.

For example, in a discussion with 2 people, and you invite the third person, now there is no error and they are correctly invited. However, they can't see any messages in that discussion which have previously been posted, only a message from admin that tells them about the invitation. Previously the new participant was able to view the entire discussion.
Is this an intentional new change? If so, then everything else works correctly.

To complete bug reporting for permanent messages for now, there is something strange when you kick someone from a discussion too. If you kick a person, they can still see the discussion. Previously the discussion was completely removed from their inbox. However, even more strange, when new messages are posted to that discussion, this person who was kicked still receives notifications about new permanent messages on the Windows/web clients, and they can see who posted the last message too.
So in reality when someone is kicked, they only can't read new messages and can't reply. This is definitely a strange and confusing behaviour.

Hopefully that explanation was clear and understandable. Thanks for your work.

Score: +4

4. Aminiel,


The change is intentional. When you join in a PM, you can only see messages that have been posted after you joined the discussion, but not older ones before you came. This is maybe something the author should have a choice whether he/she want the history to be visible or not. Tell me if you think it can be useful.

When you are kicked, previously it worked like an instant delete of the whole discussion, what is a quite hard if you had important messages you wanted to keep. Now you should be able to still see older messages and the discussion is entirely deleted only when you do it explicitly yourself.

The idea is to be like whatsapp and most other messaging apps which have this behavior.

However, of course, you shouldn't be notified for a discussion you have been kicked from. I'll look at this bug.

Score: +2

5. Nikola,

I think the change about kicking is good, messages not disappearing just because you got removed from a discussion makes sense.

However, this with inviting I don't find so necessary, and in fact I would think that it should be optional if you want the previous history of a discussion to be hidden, rather than make it hidden by default.
If I invite someone to a discussion, it's probably because I want them to take part in it/collaborate on something, so it doesn't make sense that I have to re explain the entire discussion now again after this person joins. It also doesn't make too much sense if the person just received a discussion with a specific topic, but the only message in it for them is a message from Admin telling them that they have been invited.

Taking another example, maybe I am sending scores to a tournament organizer via permanent messages, and I forget to include one by mistake after sending the message. The logical thing to do is to invite them to the discussion, but now it doesn't make any difference because they cannot see the first message, thus somebody else has to re-post the same message.

I hope that makes sense and you can reconsider this feature. I personally wouldn't mind it too if I had to first enable an option before other messages of a discussion can be visible to newly invited participants, but I think it should definitely exist if the plan is to definitely make this change.

Thanks for explaining how it's supposed to work.

Score: +3

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