Suggestions and comments

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Subject Author Nb. answ. Latest message

Translation errors and typos

Nikola 148 glad,

sound packs (cancelled)

riffy36_wii 6 riffy36_wii,

Adding new games

baraa 10 davidhs1200,

Please change the sound of losing a round.

davidhs1200 7 godfather,

Suggestions for the Duke racing game.

facelessghost 1 Emerald,

categories of games

SkylarJayde13 8 glad,

Alternative to drag and drop on mobile devices

Nikola 2 Nikola,

Golf: gesture for current tablo scores

horse 1 Crash,

Custom Boards in Ducks Race

Rock_Storm 3 Aminiel,

Option to disable the 15 second pause between rounds

LoboBranco 11 LoboBranco,

Duck racing board suggestion: ducks at the school

horse 8 horse,

Solitaire games

Emrah20 8 JuneRose,

potential games for team support

horse 4 JuneRose,

Suggestion for indian monopoly board

SIFRA 13 godfather,

fives and threes: change default behavior of forbidding drawing (refused)

horse 1 Nikola,

Uno: option to limit drawing to one card (accepted)

horse 1 Aminiel,


Mortem 10 Mortem,

Converting belote to Tysiacha-like method

Sylphrena 4 HeadphoneJack,

Playing up to 18 quarters in Citadels (accepted)

Nikola 0 Nikola,

Time limit option in dominoes (accepted)

CREADOR 7 Aminiel,

Regarding names.

john_smith 2 john_smith,

sound skins for playroom?

Gnome 13 Nikola,

wanting to help (ongoing)

SkylarJayde13 2 SkylarJayde13,

Frequently asked questions.

CathyAnne 1 Nikola,

new uno variation

LuckyLuke 1 glad,

game suggestion: spoons

horse 3 glad,

Backgammon board checker colour

CHeeky_Brat 2 YNWA,

The FAQ page.

CathyAnne 2 GeorgeWu,

Suggesting the pig game.

CathyAnne 8 GeorgeWu,

New game suggesting: Old maid

Qais 1 CathyAnne,

monopoly board.

CathyAnne 5 CathyAnne,

Monopoly player suggestion: An optional rule to not collect rent from properties while in jail (accepted)

Nikola 6 Nikola,

Option for main room chat

Elinoria 8 Nikola,

who is that again?

Gnome 76 theSocialIntrovert,

Remove invitations for offline players

vyle6357 4 spaceship,

Introducing and adding a new game

Alirezas 4 glad,

The little exam suggestions

Qais 4 Nikola,

tiny option suggestions about shorttening play rounds (refused)

horse 3 horse,

Game suggestion: Schnapsen

Nasreddin 2 Nikola,

Belote and similar games on Mobile

dparker 2 dparker,

Customize the reconnect notification in the main room:

kaiba 8 Nikola,

New Monopoly boards submission (finished)

Emrah20 22 Nikola,

Game suggestion: Hand

Sajad-Aliraqi 4 glad,

Create QC cross platform web client

FMGold 1 Sajad-Aliraqi,

Chat translation feature

Elinoria 20 Northstrider,

duck racing: shift + r only display selected challenges

horse 1 horse,

option in little exam to disable manual point allocation (refused)

horse 4 Aminiel,

New game, mangala (ongoing)

colonel 4 Aminiel,

Adding same options to Duck racing as to most of games (ongoing)

Emrah20 5 horse,

Sound for playable cards in Uno

slannon 9 horse,

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